Surrogacy Center of Philadelphia

Surrogacy vs Adoption: What Choice Is Best For You?

The day a person or couple gets the word that they can’t be biological parents is always a trying day and understandably so. Fortunately, that doesn’t have to be the end of the dream to one day be a parent or parents. What’s the saying, “when one door closes, another door opens?” When faced with […]

What is commercial surrogacy?

Both gestational and traditional surrogates have their own personal reasons for deciding to help intended parents become parents. In many cases, a big part of the reasoning points to the surrogate mother wanting to be of service to people who they feel deserve a chance to experience parenthood. Yes, compensation is often a factor as […]

A Short History of Surrogacy

What are the important facts about the history of surrogacy and the modern surrogacy arrangement that every intended parent and surrogate mother should know? Fortunately, you don’t need to study legal textbooks, to learn the pertinent historical events that led to the modern era’s overall surrogacy law scenario. In fact, the two most critical terms […]

Popular Books On Surrogacy You Should Read

Being a surrogate can be one of the most rewarding things a person does in their life. There are many reasons to feel good about giving the gift of life to someone else, but it sure helps to get a preview of the process before beginning your journey into surrogacy. In addition to a wide-ranging […]

What is Gestational Surrogacy?

Unfortunately, there are a lot of men and women who want to be parents but can’t bear children of their own. It’s unfortunate when this happens because it leaves what would likely be good and loving parents without a child to raise. Fortunately, there is a viable solution for people who want a child and […]

Maximum age for surrogate mother

The surrogacy process is a big deal. It involves the union of a surrogate mother and intended parents for the purpose of fulfilling dreams. The biggest dreams belong to the intended parents who want a child to love and raise. The dreams of the surrogate mother are also fulfilled because she gets the opportunity of giving a great gift […]

Do You Meet the Age Requirements for Surrogacy?

No one should question the importance of allowing women to act as gestational surrogates in the U.S. There is an absolute need for us as a society to make sure people who want to be and should be parents get the chance to do just that. If you are thinking about unselfishly giving of yourself by serving […]


You are commended for your decision to look into becoming a gestational surrogate. If you qualify and follow through with your intentions, you will be in a position to give someone a great gift. You will get the chance to give intended parents a child for which to love and care for the rest of their […]

Can You Be a Surrogate If You’ve Never Given Birth?

Surrogacy is a very serious thing for everyone invested in the process. The gestational carrier or a surrogate is giving themselves in the most selfless way a woman can give of themselves. The intended parents are getting the opportunity to fill a huge gap in their lives, a chance to love and raise a child. […]

Exercise Suggestions for Women During Pregnancy

When a woman gets pregnant, they owe it to themselves and their unborn baby to do what’s necessary to stay healthy. A woman who stays healthy during pregnancy greatly increases the probability they will experience a safe and successful pregnancy all the way to term. The reference to staying healthy involves both good nutrition and […]